The next days were spent in Siena …. it’s an incredibly romantic hilltop city. Every narrow winding road is cobblestone; the roofs are all red; the city is surrounded by rolling tuscan hills; the cuisine is phenomenal; the wine is soo good. I’ve missed the long days in Italy where you wake up early, stroll to the nearest bakery for fresh dolci & Italian coffee, walk, take multiple breaks in the piazzas from whatever you’re doing during the day to sit and soak in everything around you with the best foods and wine, and also end your day doing the same, capped off with a late night passaggiata that brings everyone back out into the streets. Cam loved all of it. We stayed in an old Tuscan palazzo in the very heart of the old city. It was amazing! One night we took a recommendation from them and found a restaurant that overlooked the western part of Siena where Cam tried some more of my old faves – gnocchi al tartufi – which is Italian pasta truffles that literally melt in your mouth, funghi pizza, tiramasu, Chianti, tuscan bread and meats…Eeek, we ate and drank every day until we physically couldn’t anymore! we obviously were not ashamed to stuff our faces like true fattys. 🙂
Ahn says
my niece is named after this city.
Taylor says
i lived here for a month and it was magic! cannot wait to go back. thanks for allowing me to reminisce a bit, xo!
Mohamed Ali says
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Mohamed Ali says
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