Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart.
Jeremiah 1:5
May the God of all hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
The third trimester is here! We’re getting closer to meeting our little guy!! We are so incredibly excited. And with that joy, I am holding on to these verses more than ever. Our doc told us my pregnancy hormones are blocking the breakdown of sugar in my blood and diagnosed me with gestational diabetes, which increases the baby’s chances of becoming too large too fast or causing stillbirth.. even though I’ve had a perfectly healthy pregnancy and my weight, blood pressure, diet, baby’s measurements — everything — Praise God — have all been right on track. Totally out of my control. I’m being reminded that it isn’t in my womb that our child is safest; it’s in God’s hands; and even in this, God’s hands are holding him fast. I just have to be very careful about what I eat from here on out and check my blood four times a day. There’s a lot of incredibly healthy women who surprisingly develop it, so if you have it and are feeling discouraged, or alone, please send me an email, because you’re not! More than anything, the Lord is reminding me over and over again that He’s got this. He is in control, not me. I should not worry at all, instead He wants me to fully trust, and entrust our baby to Him… and pray He’ll forgive me when I fail at that, which has definitely happened since finding out last week. What an important lesson to learn before our son gets here and one I’ll have to repeatedly remember ahead as his mama when anxieties and worries arise. Truly, this is an opportunity right now to practice.
To those of you who are praying for us… thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and to our daddys again, Happy Father’s Day!
I am so excited to see Cam as one.
Caravan Sonnet says
oh sweet girl…praying right now that the Lord will touch your body and protect and heal you and protect that precious baby! May our God give you peace in this situation and comfort you each moment. Praying that you would feel His constant love that leads us each day. (Exodus 15:13)
Marshall says
Thank you SO much, Rebecca!
Bonnie Rose says
Beautiful photo and I love the positivity. God is in control.
Bonnie Rose | A Compass Rose
Marshall says
Amen. Thank you, Bonnie.
Amanda @ Eloquent English says
Geeze 4x a day. That's a lot. Praying for you and the babe! As you had said, God is in control. xoxo
Marshall says
Thanks, Mands. (:
Lyndsay says
Your positive attitude is so inspiring. Beautiful photo!
Laura Cristina Pita says
Tons of prayers your way!!
Chelsea Edwards says
I just started working on a degree in nutrition and learned that gestational diabetes isn't caused by something the mother did. I never knew that. I love that you have such a positive outlook on this. Thinking of you guys and your sweet little guy!
Tim and Lanna Britt says
continuing to pray love. You are amazing and I know God is keeping you all safe and watching over baby M. Sending much love and prayers your way!!! Just remember – you gotta pocket gotta pocket full of sunshine!
LOVE — lanneybear
Marshall says
haha I love you so much.
Megan says
I think the hardest part of pregnancy is feeling out of control over what is happening. Be strong and have faith. So many prayers are being said for your family!!!
Legally Lovely says
I've been reading your blog for the longest time and have continually been blown away by your photos, your fantastic outlook, and the love between you and your husband. Since you've shared your pregnancy with us, I always say a little prayer for you and your family every time I finish one of your blog posts. Will say another one for you today!
Marshall says
Emma, thank you soo much !!!
Ech and Will says
Lots of prayers for your health as well as your baby's. I love your outlook and I'm sending extra prayers for your strength to keep up that positive attitude and trust in God.
Kait says
Sending prayers your way! I'm a longtime reader, but rarely comment. I love your blog and am so happy for you
CMae says
Why do women "develop" this and only when pregnant? That part I never understand… Do you and your husband have a named picked out for you baby boy? How much longer are you guys stationed overseas? So glad everything else for you is going well, I think "Emma" above pretty much said it all what a great comment!
Marshall says
Supposedly because hormones increase the most in the third trimester, which is usually when it comes on. I think we have the name down! but are going to wait to share it until we see his little face to make sure he actually looks the name. And we have a year left out here.. thank you!!
Fiskes says
Such wisdom, Mama! I love your comment that the safest place for our babes is in God's hands – not even our wombs. If you understand that now, this parenting thing will be a breeze. Sending prayers for an uncomplicated, healthy, safe Mama and Bebe… Btw – you look simply gorgeous. Definitely meant to be a Mama… xo
Lauren says
As always you look gorgeous. praying for you and baby Marshall!
Catherine Fishback says
You look so beautiful! My best friend had GD and she endured it like a champ. She said, "it's amazing the things you'll do (like prick yourself four times a day) when your baby's life depends on it." Thinking of you!
Lynzy says
You look so radiant ! That sweet baby boy will be just perfect when he comes out. Being in the medical field, I am crazy worried about everything with my pregnancy all of the time. But you just have to let it go and pray that everything turns out just fine. You will be just fine – I just know it! Praying for you and your little guy as you get closer and closer to the end!
xx Lynzy
Marshall says
I would so not be good in your field. (: You're so right! And thanks, Lynz.. I appreciate that SO much!
Michelle {lovely little things} says
Bummer about the test! Thinking of you…
brittany says
beautiful girl! i have to say i am shocked that you of all people got the GD diagnosis! bless your heart! like a pregnant mama needs one more worry, but your baby is safe and cozy in your warm belly!!! sending my love, lady!
Gaby says
happy 3rd trimester, you look wonderful!
Lauren Arnold says
Manda you look amazing!! Praying for you sweet friend!
Marshall says
Hi Lauren!!! Miss you! And thank you so very much.
Megan says
love you friend! thinking of you and sending prayers your way!
Katie Cook says
Love you darlin! We just got back from Chitwan and I saw this, and am praying now:) MUAh!
Katherine Nolden says
You're such a strong person I'm sure you'll be able to whip up amazing meals that not only taste delish, are super healthy, AND have everyone drooling over their computer screens! Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." You got this!
Betsy says
Thanking about you and praying for your sweet babe!
Sheila@TheFailteHouse says
God's hands are the safest, sending prayers from Florida for you and the baby! xx
Rachel says
Amanda…I am sort of late in checking up with all my favorite blogs this week! When I read this I knew I had to comment and let you know that a dear friend of mine also had gestational diabetes and just delivered a sweet baby boy. Mom and baby are doing great! I know sometimes giving over everything to God is a tough one but He knows what He is doing for sure. Lots and lots of prayers from the Hunts!
Jessica Lynn says
Thinking of you and lifting you and your baby boy up in prayer. I loved that first quote so much while I was pregnant that I photoshoped it, printed it out, and framed it. It's not in her room above her changing table along with another verse. I said that Jeremiah one over and over in my head during pregnancy.
Carol {Everyday Delights} says
You look amazing! Prayers for a healthy 3rd trimester!
Sarah Burton says
Praying fierce protection over you and your sweet little boy! You look gorgeous!
ibrewtea says
Ooh, this sucks! Did you have any symptoms? I just had my first sugar hangover ever. I think I may be headed toward this boat as well as I already know I have low blood sugar normally. This blog post and some other comments made some things click for me and I think I know I need to cut sugar out of my diet (I'm pregnant as well, second trimester. In Hong Kong, actually–not too far away). The migraine I just had was brutal!